Q: How do I register my child for Baptism? What do I need?
A: You can register your children 0-6 years old at the Parish Office OR you can also register your children 0-6 years old in person AFTER a weekend Spanish Mass at Holy Cross Church weekend office (you can check out the Spanish Mass schedule HERE) We have bilingual volunteers that will be able to register your child for Baptism. They have all the English and Spanish dates. For registration requirements, click HERE.
If your child is 7 years old or older and / or unbaptized, your child MUST be enrolled in Religious Education. Please click HERE
Q. How do I register for a wedding or annulment? What do I need?
A: For annulments, please contact our Parish Secretary by calling the Parish Office during our normal office hours.
Sacrament of Marriage:
BEFORE you can schedule an appointment for the Sacrament of Marriage, please gather the necessary documents. You can view the application/requirements HERE
Q: How do I register my high school student for Confirmation? What do I need?
A: Confirmation registrations for 2024-2025 are now closed. If have any further questions regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation, please email our Confirmation Director at: [email protected] or Confirmation Admin. Mayvelyn at [email protected]
Q: I am an adult. Is there Religious Education for adults? What do I need?
A: Yes! Whether you are wanting more information about our faith, or you are missing a Sacrament of Initiation; Baptism, First Communion and / or Confirmation, please contact Deacon Jose Ureno at: (559) 310-8390 or click HERE and inquire about our O.C.I.A program.
Q: How do I register my kids for 1st Communion (Catechism)? What do I need?
A: Registrations for Catechism for the year 2024 - 2025 are closed. If you have any questions, please call the Religious Education Office at (559) 784-5857
Q: I need a copy of my Baptism. How do I obtain a copy? *This applies to all Sacraments: Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, and Marriage*
A: If you received the Sacrament at our Parish yes! Please download the Certificate Request Form, print it, follow the instructions, and mail it to the Parish Office 378 N. F Street Porterville, CA 93257. We will mail the certificates to the address you tell us on the form.
Do I get my certificate on the same day?
A: Whether you visit the Parish Office in person or mail-in your Certificate Request Form, certificates take a week after your initial request. Please time your request in a timely manner.
Q: How do I become a registered parishioner? / I'm new in town...
A: We got you covered! Please download the New Parishioner Registration Form, print it, and mail it to the Parish Office to the attention of "Libby Espejo" 378 N. F Street Porterville, CA 93257
Q: I wish there were ways I can be contacted to find out Confession schedule changes, registration dates and important information…
A: We are excited to share the news! We have a new free service called Flocknote! When you sign up, you can choose how you would like to receive notifications, via text or email, it's up to you!
We'll let you know of any sudden schedule changes to Confession & Mass; also, to stay up to date on registration information and other Parish news! To register you can click HERE or you can Text-to-Join at the number 84576 and using the keyword: STANNESPARISH